Monday, January 3, 2011

Obedience, Sacrifice, and Little Children

Sometimes it seems like the Lord gives us just too much. Much more than we can possibly handle. If you are like me, you nearly faint at the thought of being overwhelmed by big things or too many things! I often wonder to myself, "Why can't things go on as they have?"

Growing in the Lord means that we have to be refined and often re-refined! A stubborn heart that is unyielding is of no use in the Lord's ecomony! We need to be flexible and willing to bend. It is so much easier to understand for those of us who have parented children!

When I first heard a teaching that obedience is better than sacrifice to God, it blew my mind. I had no idea what that meant. Isn't God all about Christians giving til it hurts? Isn't making sacrifices what God wants from us?

Then I had children!

Oh boy, talk about a lesson being brought to mind! Suddenly, I knew exactly what this teaching meant! Oh, it is lovely getting a hand full of wild daisies handed to you from a chubby little hand, but when those flowers are picked in disobedience, a real chord is struck! Disobedience is a terrible thing. A child often has no sense of danger and when he or she haphazzardly wanders about with no regard to warnings issued, and then disregards the warnings, it breaks our hearts as parents. How much moreso do we break the very heart of God when we choose to follow our own "instincts" instead of heeding the Will of God?

Many times, following God's perfect plan for our lives is simple and not too painful. Other times, it seems like the Lord is handing out more than our fair portion, especially when we see others living on "Easy Street". May we keep our eyes on Him and not look to the right, or the left! May we seek to follow after the Master and do His good will! May we beome as little children, trusting, trusting, trusting! May we have a faith that carries us through, no matter what!

Lord, I pray that you will give us hearts that are willing to follow after you. Teach us to come just like little children, completely trusting, and knowing that Your ways are much better than our own. Help us not to stumble or be tempted by the world and its ways. Show us that your way is the much better way. As we reach out our spirtual hand to You, please hold it and lead us in the way we should Your paths of righteousness. Thank you, Lord for being the loving and Holy Father that you are. Thank you for your patience when we stumble and make mistakes. Thank you that you do not merely throw us aside, but wait for us until we return. Thank you, Lord, for second chances! Please make your presence known in our lives and give us a confidence that we know You are always there, waiting just like a parent awaits a little child! Thank you, Lord for who You are. Make us to walk in Your ways!


Jackie said...

Katya...I'm so glad to have come here read your blog.
Thank you for a beautiful and inspirational message.
I pray that God will help me to remember to keep my eyes on Him.

Katya said...

Jackie, thank you so much for your great words of encouragement! I left this blog after only one entry, thinking no one would ever read it!

If I can help encourage you, my single reader, then I will believe that the Lord is using us to encourage one another!

In His Love!